Gacco can assist you in the development of your leaders and managers. Not through the classical approach because there you will find stronger organizations on the market, but more through a dedicated tailor-made method of coaching, training and guidance.
During the transformation appears the industrial change, the financial change and as well the human change aspects. Many of our leaders are more in their comfort zone with the first two, but not with the latter one. So the quest how to go through the emotion of change as individual, as team or as organization is often long and difficult. Gacco can help you and your leaders to deal with the change in a more constructive manner for them and their team.
Once the question has been clearly defined after an intake discussion, Gacco will develop a tailor-made model of coaching, team development, training and guidance to guarantee the maximum of impact. Often we will use a combination of experts in the field to ensure the impact, positive force and lasting result you will need.
Gacco can offer as well own training facilities for senior management events in a more relaxed surrounding.